Fishing is a popular activity along the bayous, ponds, marshes, and lakeshore of the refuge. Many people enjoy crabbing, crawfishing, and fishing along Lake Rd., where there is shoreline fishing, a fishing pier and a free boat launch. Recreational fishing, crawfishing and crabbing are permitted from 30 minutes before legal sunrise to 30 minutes after legal sunset, except we allow night fishing, crabbing, and crawfishing from the bank and pier on Lake Road.
Lake Pontchartrain is an estuary, providing a mix of salinity that favors both marine and freshwater species in different places and at various times due to wind and weather. The lake, marshes, and bayous can yield bass, speckled trout, redfish, catfish, bream, sac-a-lait, and pogies.
The refuge offers two boat launches – a non-motorized launch at Sapsucker Rd. and an all purpose launch at Lake Rd. * Note: airboats, mud boats, and air-cooled propulsion engines are prohibited within the Refuge.
Recreational fishing, crawfishing and crabbing are permitted from 30 minutes before legal sunrise to 30 minutes after legal sunset, except we allow night fishing, crabbing, and crawfishing from the bank and pier on Lake Road. Recreational crabbing and fishing are allowed year-round in accordance with state of Louisiana regulations, with the following conditions: Use of trotlines, limb lines, slat traps, gar sets, hoop and gill nets or alligator lines is prohibited. You may take bait with cast nets eight-foot diameter or less. Commercial fishing and shell fishing is prohibited.